Our  programs are built to fit into your busy lifestyle with built in support and results that stick.

Welcome To Our Healthy Lifestyle & Weight Management Program 

Tired of fad diets and quick fixes?

Obesity is not a matter of what you eat and how much, it can also relate to hormone imbalance, gut health issues and other underlying issues that could be affecting your weight 

We realize that weight loss isn't a one size fits all. That is why each plan will include labs, nutrition, exercise plan, medication, vitamins and supplements to assist patients in losing weight, with access to an online self-paced program that help support everyone no matter what their weight loss goal is. The program is designed to help you reshape your lifestyle by adopting healthy new habits and breaking unhealthy old ones with a little help.

Losing weight won't look the same for everyone. It's not as simple as eating healthy and exercising. Be Totally Well's healthy lifestyle & weight management programs are integrative in nature. Meaning, we utilize nutrition, exercise regimen,health coaching techniques and behavioral counseling, medications (if necessary), supplements, herbs and cleanses to help everyone achieve their desired results.

Discover the perfect fit for your transformation

I wish I could sell you a pill that would make your weight and health issues disappear immediately. But unfortunately, nothing like that exist. There are no magical solutions to change things overnight, however there are sustainable methods that can be used to help you lose weight, build healthier habits that will lead to a permanent change over time.

is weight loss that last.

Weight loss that works

I've tried multiple methods to try to lose weight and other weight loss programs and no one has ever helped achieve the weight loss and keep it off this consistently like Candace has.  I am down 85  pounds and I am at my goal weight, I have more energy and I no longer have an unhealthy relationship with food.   I am so glad I joined the weight loss program

  • Monthly In-Person Visits with Medical Provider
  • Weight Monitoring: Track your progress under the supervision of our medical team, ensuring you stay on target.
  • Medication Prescription and Management: For those with specific medical needs, receive expert management of medications that align with your weight loss goals.
  • Monthly B 12 or lipo shot for enhance weight loss and energy.
  • Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy special offers and discounts on select products and services to enhance your journey.
  • Freebies and Perks: Access exciting freebies and perks as a token of our appreciation for choosing us as your partner in health.
  • Unwavering Support: Experience ongoing support, accountability, and motivation from our dedicated team throughout your transformation.
  • Access to monthly infrared sauna with benefits for weight loss, muscle relaxation after workouts, skin health, immunity and much more
  • Access to Be Totally Well private events.

1-on 1 coaching

tier 03
  •  Inspirational Challenges: Fuel your motivation with exciting fitness challenges tailored to the group's goals, pushing you to new heights and unlocking hidden potential.
  •  Expert Group Coaching: Twice a month, join our insightful group coaching calls where our experienced coaches will guide you, answer questions, and provide invaluable tips to keep you on track.
  • Supplement Protocol: Receive expert recommendations on safe and effective supplements that complement your weight loss efforts and support your overall well-being.
  •  Fitness Library: Gain access to a diverse library of workout routines and exercise regimens, designed to cater to all fitness levels and preferences.
  •  Healthy Tips and Guidance: Stay ahead with a wealth of health-related tips, tricks, and knowledge shared exclusively with our group members.
  • Unbeatable Support and Accountability

Group coaching

Tier 02
Access to cutting edge app packed with powerful features-
  • customized meal plans with shopping list tailored to your dietary preferences, ensuring you enjoy delicious, nourishing meals every step of the way.
  •  Our extensive recipe library serves up mouthwatering dishes that tantalize your taste buds while supporting your weight loss goals.
  • Access to workout library 
  • Keep tabs on your success with intuitive progress tracking tools. Celebrate milestones and stay motivated as you witness your incredible transformation unfold.
  • Access to helpful tips, health modules, workbooks, expert advice, and educational content to enhance your understanding of nutrition and healthy habits.

App Access-Self-Paced

Tier 01

we offer 3 Tiers of memberships

Unlock Your Potential at your own pace.

Join Our Dynamic Group Coaching Program & Transform Together.

Your Journey To Success Tailored Just For You.

Experience Unparalleled Personalizeed Weight Loss Coaching

Empower Your Journey with expert guidance and community support

Discover the Freedom of Self Paced Progress

What's included:

What's Included:

Everything in app access tier 1 plus:

What's included:

Everything in Tier 1 and 2 plus:

Let's recap each tier

Find out which plan best fits your lifestyle

  • Convenience: Fit your weight loss journey into your schedule with ease and flexibility.
  • Affordability: Enjoy top-notch resources and support at a fraction of the cost of traditional programs.
  • Sustainable Results: Develop lifelong habits at your pace, ensuring lasting results that stay with you.
  • Empowerment: Take the driver's seat of your transformation, making choices that best suit your needs and preferences.

Self paced

Group coachng

  • Community Power: Tap into the strength of our supportive community and propel each other towards greatness.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from the knowledge and insights of experienced coaches dedicated to your success.
  • Comprehensive Toolkit: Access a wealth of resources, from personalized meal plans to fitness challenges, all designed to accelerate your progress.
  • Affordable Excellence: Experience top-tier support without compromising on affordability.
  • Transform Together: Together, let's achieve what we couldn't alone. Unlock your potential with the power of community.

Individualized 1-on-1 coaching

  • Tailored to Perfection: Enjoy a plan designed exclusively for you, maximizing your potential for success.
  • Premium App Access: Embrace top-tier resources and features to elevate your weight loss journey.
  • In-Person Medical Care: Benefit from personalized care from our medical experts, ensuring your well-being is always prioritized.
  • Exclusive Perks: Unlock discounts, freebies, and special perks, all crafted to enhance your experience.
  • Affordable Luxury: Experience unparalleled coaching at a fraction of the cost.

Take the driver's seat of your transformation, making choices that best suit your needs and preferences.

Join us today, and let's embark on a journey that changes lives and transforms destinies. Together, we're unstoppable!

Join us on this extraordinary personalized journey, and together, let's sculpt the best version of you. Your transformation awaits!

CALL 516-548-0600

When your weight loss coach is truly motivating and advocates for you like no other, the pounds literally fall off. Just started my weight loss journey with NP Candace and the experience has been amazing. It's been 8 weeks and I'm already down 14 pounds. I can't wait to see how far my transformation will go !! 14 gone, 50 to go!! let's get it #betotallywell.

Ready to book. Click the link below and choose the weightloss dicovery option

Book Now

Danish jelly beans cookie tart. Powder jelly beans cake chupa chups gummies caramels. Halvah icing marzipan. Bear claw carrot cake cookie carrot cake. Lollipop lemon drops cotton candy muffin sugar plum. Jujubes caramels gummi bears bear claw tootsie roll ice cream. Lemon drops topping marshmallow. Danish gummi bears cake. Lemon drops candy dessert tootsie roll. Topping gummi bears soufflé dessert macaroon marzipan. Lemon drops liquorice dessert candy candy canes candy canes. Icing pastry dragée carrot cake biscuit. Chocolate bar muffin ice cream caramels wafer marzipan cake cake.


Dragée I love candy canes sweet fruitcake I love caramels candy canes. Topping toffee lollipop powder I love pie. Pie gingerbread jelly-o jelly donut jelly-o pie apple pie I love. I love jujubes jelly-o donut cheesecake marzipan apple pie wafer I love.

Jujubes I love chocolate bar. Donut sweet roll cheesecake bonbon gingerbread cupcake. Cake I love sesame snaps cotton candy soufflé halvah. Sugar plum cupcake liquorice.


Danish jelly beans cookie tart. Powder jelly beans cake chupa chups gummies caramels. Halvah icing marzipan. Bear claw carrot cake cookie carrot cake. Lollipop lemon drops cotton candy muffin sugar plum. Jujubes caramels gummi bears bear claw tootsie roll ice cream. Lemon drops topping marshmallow. Danish gummi bears cake. Lemon drops candy dessert tootsie roll. Topping gummi bears soufflé dessert macaroon marzipan. Lemon drops liquorice dessert candy candy canes candy canes. Icing pastry dragée carrot cake biscuit. Chocolate bar muffin ice cream caramels wafer marzipan cake cake.


Dragée I love candy canes sweet fruitcake I love caramels candy canes. Topping toffee lollipop powder I love pie. Pie gingerbread jelly-o jelly donut jelly-o pie apple pie I love. I love jujubes jelly-o donut cheesecake marzipan apple pie wafer I love.

Jujubes I love chocolate bar. Donut sweet roll cheesecake bonbon gingerbread cupcake. Cake I love sesame snaps cotton candy soufflé halvah. Sugar plum cupcake liquorice.