Here, you'll find my top tips for health and wellness, including easy-to-make recipes, fitness advice, devotionals and so much more!
I don’t know many diets you’ve been through, but let me tell you, if you don’t have the right mindset, chances are you’re not going to succeed. In fact, if you’re like most people, your experience will fit a very familiar pattern. First, you’re all excited about the diet and sure enough, you follow the […]
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Did you know you have the ability to lower cholesterol without medication by following some basic steps that will not only change your cholesterol readings, but also improve your health today and in the future. So often we use a prescription drug and hope it will magically cure whatever ails us. The truth is […]
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I am sure we have all heard of freshman 15. This is a term given to someone when they start college for the first time, they somehow gain a lot of weight. Now the numbers vary from person to person.It’s important to note that this specific amount of weight gain isn’t common to everyone. Some […]
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The last week has been a blur. Black people are being murdered like dogs in the street by racist cops with no accountability for their actions. As my husband and I watched the news and scrolled social media, it became so much more apparent that we need to have ANOTHER conversation with our children. But […]
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There are two B vitamins in particular that can prevent illnesses and help you lead a healthier life. These are vitamin B12 and vitamin B6. While many people are aware of the positive benefits of vitamins C and E, less people know about the strength of these two B vitamins. However, the amazing thing about […]
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What Causes Emotional Overeating Disorder? Whatever you learn today remember to take it one day at a time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Emotional overeating disorders can be difficult and devastating for those who suffer from them. What makes this happen? Why is it that some people, knowingly or unknowingly, turn to […]
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I have dry cracked feet, especially in the winter. To add insult to injury, my treatment causes my skin to be extra dry and makes my already cracked feet worse. Since we are all home on quarantine and maintaining social distancing, I figure we might as well practice a little self-love, in this case it’s our feet. As a matter of fact, it is […]
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